Sammy & Marcia Diab

Associate Staff

About Sammy & Marcia

Sammy and Marcia Diab were both born and raised in Brazil. Sammy was raised in a Muslim family that emigrated from Palestine, but Sammy lived on the wild side. He married Marcia, but their marriage was on the rocks until Sammy had a powerful encounter with Jesus and became a Christian. The Diabs ended up in Maui, as new Christians, and were discipled by Hope Chapel Kihei for five years. Along with their son Caleb and daughter Mariana, they moved back to southern Brazil where they launched Hope Chapel Brazil. Since returning, the church they started has baptized more than a thousand people and planted seven additional churches. Sammy and Marcia recently joined Global Training Network to head up the On-Expedition training in Brazil. The goal of On-Expedition is to equip leaders to multiply viral, missional, church planting movements throughout Brazil, as well as all over the world.

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