Brian & Denice Gandy

Senior Staff

About Brian & Denice

Brian and Denice both grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and were married in 1980. They have one adult daughter, who is married, and two grandchildren. After spending many years in the business world, Brian felt called of God to enter full-time vocational ministry. As part of his training, he enrolled as a student at Phoenix Seminary, pursuing his M.Div. degree. For the past five years, Brian has been serving as a pastor on the staff of a large church in the greater Phoenix area.

Several years ago, God started stirring his heart for the nation of India. While planning a vision trip to visit that country, he started a fellowship of Indian believers in the greater Phoenix area that has now grown to over 40, who are attending weekly.

While on that same vision trip in 2012, the Lord impressed upon his heart the need for pastoral training – particularly in the rural areas of India. Brian said, “I came back from that trip with a heart that was absolutely overwhelmed by the massive need for basic biblical and theological training among indigenous pastors and leaders throughout rural India.”

Brian’s subsequent trips to India only deepened his desire – as he was exposed to an even greater degree – to the need for training among indigenous Indian pastors and leaders. Brian is now transitioning from his role as a local pastor to focus his complete time and attention upon the ministry of Global Training Network. We look forward to all that God will do in and through Brian and Denice as they now have joined the GTN family!

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